Posts tagged ‘Go Beavs’

February 1, 2013


day, another dollar… ANOTHER POST: I’ve been putting this off becuase I work late lately… but now I’m very hungry, and my deal with myself is that I don’t get to eat until I post this, so… 😀

S_ArgenturquoiseFocal!P1010410 S_ArgenturquoiseLink!P1010413

S_ArgenturquoiseClasp!P1010418 S_ArgenturquoiseEarr!P1010429

New necklace/earrings: Argenturquoise! Meaning: Argent (silver) and the obvious. Turquoise, silver tone spacers, clasp, earwires, wire, crimps, and focal (sterling? who knows?), firepolished faceted glass, tigerwire, turquoise Toho bugle beads, silvertone glass cylinder beads.  I’m still thinking of adding a LOT more of the bugle bead strands, but I… lack the patience to do so… :/

Picture 27

Corvallis shop sustainable reusable bag logo design: so my town, Corvallis, Oregon (please don’t stalk me! lol kidding), has banned stores from giving out plastic bags: now, we can pay 5¢ per paper bag, buy a reusable bag ($?), or get 6¢ credit for bringing our own bag.  The town wants to brand its own bag, and had this whole contest deal, which I entered at my mum’s urging… thank you, maman! This is the result: Oregon State’s Beaver, a bag, a heart-C (corvallis=cor vallis=heart of the valley=I don’t actually know latin that is just what a choir I was in is named; this is also the Beaver’s left foot), a recycle-O and evergreen-R, the silhouette of Mary’s Peak (VALLIS), the County Courthouse (I), and a slogan in my pidgin typeface (it was rounded, so I had to outline it again).  All done in Adobe Illustrator; sorry, I’ve not uploaded the initial sketches yet… and I’m really hungry… and my head aches massively from computer-staring for seven hours today… but yay for money!  Anyway, hope it wins!

S_handsoff S_lindsketch

S_irenesketchink S_livroom


new sketches: Irene and hands; Lindsay (attempts thereof) and Indie (that’s his front right paw, not his tail); umm… not-Irene and Irene (I was trying out a new brush pen and I made it bleed ink into a somewhat copious puddle, which I then had to use, of course!  And oh, how I love to use my fingers in art…); our living room AGAIN (note the “new” bookshelf—my mum’s done with it, and I nabbed it for dvds and cat storage. Yup. It’s self-storage, too!); and an OLD picture of Irene (end of last November! lol I just found it in a notebook).  Ahh, I think my roomies have resigned themselves to being sketched and blogged about… it’s what you get for living with an artist… who blogs… -_-

t_pinkLoveIt r_pinkLoveIt


New ads! For V-day (the one in February)… aren’t they lovely? Aren’t they glorious? Yes, indeed, Mr. Hammond, the jeeps are… stripy? Wot. “What have they got in there—King Kong?” “I bring scientists, you bring a rockstar!” “QUIET!  ALL OF YOU!  They’re entering the tyrannosaur paddock!”

Yes. I just quoted those verbatim.  I’ve seen that movie too many times, and yet, somehow, it’s never enough…



HammondEtAl DrGrant

IanMalcolm Muldoon&Sattler

Yup. Friggin’ excellent cinema, that is. Excellent book, too; although there are bits I would have loved to see in the movie (Ellie has some drama with jumping dinosaurs, and Hammond’s actually a huge jerk who gets eaten by the tiny green dinosaurs that always seem to kill people… well, I’m actually glad I don’t see that!)  Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Attenborough, (Alfred Molina, for a few minutes), and “Robert Muldoon,” whose actual name I do not know, who plays the awesome Australian big-game expert.

“They should all be destroyed!”